paintings Time Waits For No One, 2023, oil on canvas, alla prima, 50 x 45 cm, (private collection) Take A Look (At Yourself), 2024, oil on plywood, alla prima, 35 x 30 cm Stage Of Silence, 2023, oil on canvas, alla prima, 22 x 29 cm (State Art Deposit Collection) Ihana Kalja (Lovely Beer), 2023, oil on canvas, alla prima, 25 x 18 cm (State Art Deposit Collection) You Made Me Cry More Than The Onions, 2023, oil on wood panel, 24 x 30 cm, (private collection) Tasty snack, 2024, oil on plywood, alla prima, 28 x 24 cm (private collection) The Nature of Love, 2023, oil on canvas, 29 x 20 cm (private collection) Snackoo or tobaccoo, 2022, oil on plywood, 29 x 22 cm (private collection) The Last Zakuska, 2022, oil on canvas, 40 x 35 cm (The Wihuri Foundation Art Collection) The Mist of Solitude, 2022, oil on canvas, 45 x 60 cm Self portrait as a lonely dog, 2022, oil on canvas, 40 x 35 cm Avokadon avoin sydän (Open heart of Avokado), 2022, oil on plywood, 29 x 22 cm (private collection) Peroni’s are greener on the other side, 2021, oil on canvas, 60 x 50 cm (private collection) You made me happy, you made me sad, but don’t worry I’m not mad, 2021, oil on plywood, 30 x 24 cm (private collection) Please let me in, 2022, oil on plywood, 29 x 22 cm (private collection) The Tree of Life, 2021, oil on plywood, 33 x 26 cm, (private collection) Andrei, 2021, oil on canvas, 80 x 70 cm Irina, 2021, oil on canvas, 120 x 150 cm Freddie, 2021, oil on canvas, 50 x 45,5 cm (private collection) Eetu, 2021, oil on canvas, 50 x 45 cm Otto, 2021, oil on canvas, 48 x 40 cm (private collection) Mr. Dog as Edvard Munch with Cigarette, 2021, oil on skate deck, 80 x 21 cm, 80 x 21 x 4 cm (private collection) Crack The Skull, 2021, oil on wood, 30 x 24 cm (private collection) Jarnon metsä (Jarno’s Forest), 2021, oil on canvas, 80 x 120 cm (private collection) A Man with The Moustache, 2020, oil on canvas, 61 x 50 cm (The Wihuri Foundation Art Collection) The Bad Hand of Aleksandr, 2020, oil on canvas, 49 x 44 cm (The Wihuri Foundation Art Collection) Siberian Tiger and a Horse, 2020, oil on canvas, 126 x 174 cm (The Wihuri Foundation Art Collection) Die Hand Des Künstlers, 2020, oil on canvas, 39 x 34 cm (The Wihuri Foundation Art Collection) Din, 2020, oil on plywood, 33,5 x 26,5 cm (private collection) Otto, 2020, oil on plywood, 33,5 x 26,5 cm (private collection) Dana, 2020, oil on plywood, 33,5 x 26,5 cm (private collection) Please mr. Human, Stop, 2020, oil on skate deck, 80 x 21 cm (private collection) The Last Sausage (Lonely mr Dog), 2019, oil on canvas, 50 x 35 cm (private collection) Three Apostoles of Piritori (Drug abuser merchants deceit), 2018–2020, fresco, artist made frame, 38 x 38 cm Amazing Sweater of mr. Dog, 2020, oil on wood panel, 55 x 40 cm (private collection) Mr Dog and his favorite sweater, 2019, oil on canvas, 60 x 45 cm (State Art Commission / Finnish National Gallery) Fathers, sons and smelly spirits, 2019, oil on canvas, 226 x 174 cm Intoxicated tree of life, 2019, oil on canvas, 160 x 127,5 cm Wheat field with cigarette smoking man, 2017, oil on canvas, 118 x 74 cm (private collection) Some men just won’t watch the world burn, 2017, oil on canvas, 88 x 60 cm The Landscape of thousand mistakes, 2017, oil on canvas, 185,5 x 140 cm Intergalactic Ice Cream, 2017, oil on canvas, 105,5 x 120,5 cm Billy, 2016, oil on canvas, 80 cm x 66 cm (private collection) Ship painting, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 14 cm x 14 cm (private collection) Five tacos and two beers, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 122 cm x 60 cm What if dog was one of us, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 120,5 x 93,5 cm Wilhelm, 2016, acrylic on hardboard, 45,5 x 35,5 cm (private collection) Portrait of a whale (bulibulibum), 2016, acrylic on canvas, 30,5 x 23 cm (private collection) The strength and weakness of the kolkhoz, 2015, acrylic on canvas, 176,5 x 134 cm Indian grandpa, 2016, acrylic and oil on canvas, 165 x 123 cm Personal tsunami, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 176,5 x 134,5 cm Excalibur fantasia (Free glutenfree crusade), 2016, acrylic on canvas, 119,5 x 83 cm Dianas troublesome delivery, 2015, acrylic and oil on canvas, 161 x 120 cm Saisinko lasin maitoa!, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 120 x 92 cm Annabella, 2015, acrylic on hardboard, 48 x 47 cm (private collection) Freddie my father, 2013, acrylic on canvas, 87 x 123 cm Fuck the sky 2, 2013, acrylic on canvas, 75 x 65 cm ElisaBella, 2014, acrylic on hardboard + window, X x X cm (private collection) Daniel, 2013, acrylic on canvas, 80 x 60 cm (private collection) Napoleon and me, 2011, acrylic on canvas, 90 x 125 cm Ystävyyden kaipuu hetkeä ennen maailmanloppua Utopia of eternal pleasure, 2014, akrylic on canvas, 201 x 150 cm King’s extended weekend, 2014, acrylic on canvas, 164 x 135 cm Heisenberg, 2012, acrylic on canvas, 40 x 30 cm (private collection) Captain 2, 2013, acrylic on canvas, 60 x 40 cm (private collection) Captain, 2013, acrylic on canvas, 60 x 40 cm (private collection) On the third day he opened a beer, 2011, acrylic on hardboard, 62 cm x 75 cm Kings drunkenness, 2009, acrylic on canvas, 80 x 61 cm (private collection)