
b. Petrozavodsk, Russia, 1986
Lives and works in Helsinki, Finland

jesse.avdeikov (a)

2018–2020 Master of Fine Arts (MFA), Academy of Fine Arts, University of Arts, Helsinki (FI)
2010–2014 Bachelor of Culture and Arts, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Tampere (FI)
2013 Academy Minerva, Groningen, Netherlands (NL)
2008–2009 Orivesi Folk High School, Fine Art Department, Orivesi (FI)

Selected Solo exhibitions
2024 Love Of My Life, tm•galleria, Finnish Painters´ Union Gallery, Helsinki (FI) (25.11.–22.12.2024)
2024 Creatures, Idle Hands, Tampere (FI) (3.5.–1.6.2024)
2024 The Leftovers, Rubicon ARI Gallery, Melbourne, Australia (AUS) (31.1.–17.2.2024)
2022 The Mist of Solitude, Galleria Katariina, Helsinki (FI)
2022 Resurrection, Yö-Galleria, Helsinki (FI)
2021 The Island of the Dead, Porvoo Kunsthalle / Porvoon Taidehalli, Porvoo (FI)
2021 The Island of the Dead, Kunsthalle Turku / Turun taidehalli, Turku (FI)
2020 A Man With The Moustache, Galleria Huuto, Helsinki (FI)
2017 Hunger, thirst and the lack of gravity, Studio, Taidekeskus Mältinranta, Tampere (FI)
2017 Edge of the world with Ketchup, Galerie Pleiku, Berlin (DE)
2016 Knot, dive and drowning, B-Galleria, Turku (FI)
2016 Beer, salt water and relationships, Galleria Huuto / Jätkäsaari, Helsinki (FI)
2016 Amniotic fluid, waves and storm, Galleria Rajatila, Tampere (FI)

Selected Group exhibitions
2025 HAA Galleria, Suomenlinna, Helsinki (FI)
2024 Reliefs for Animals, Galleri Rostrum, Malmö, Sweden (SE) (26.10–17.11 2024)
2024 Normaalit ruokajuomat ja jokapäiväinen leipämme, Lappeenranta Art museum, Lappeenranta (FI) (1.6.–1.9.2024)
2023 Voyage, Craft Museum Of Finland, Jyväskylä (FI)
2023 Puun Takaa, Mäntän kuvataideviikot XXVII / Out of Nowhere, Mänttä Art Festival XXVII, Mänttä (FI) (11.6.2023 – 31.8.2023)
2023 Finsk Fokus, Bærum Kunsthall, Oslo, Norway (NO) (1.6.–2.7.2023)
2023 Huh-huh! –
Kalasataman avajaisnäyttely, Galleria Huuto, Helsinki (FI) (22.4. – 7.5.2023)
2022 Hämärän maaAfter Twilight – Works from Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation Collection, Rovaniemi Art Museum, Rovaniemi (FI)
2022 Oooooooh! Huuto 20 v, Galleria Huuto, Helsinki (FI)
2022 Vierailijat – Visitors – Huuto 20 vuotta, Lapinlahden Lähde, Helsinki (FI)
2022 Ars-Häme ry Summer exhibition: NÄYTTÄMÖ 2022, Hämeen lääninhallituksen talo, Hämeenlinna (FI)
2021 Impressions – from Jenny ja Antti Wihuri Foundation Collection
, Rovaniemi Art Museum, Rovaniemi (FI)
2019 Kuvan Kevät, MFA Degree Show of the Academy of Fine Arts (FI)
of University of Arts Helsinki, Exhibition Laboratory, Helsinki (FI)
2018 Lost Luggage, Galerie Toolbox, Berlin (DE)

2018 Underneath – Recover Laboratory, Helsinki (FI)
2018 Huuto oot uuH, Galleria Huuto, Helsinki (FI)
2018 Tiloissa, Haihatus, Joutsa (FI)
2017 House Games Triennial, Jyväskylä (FI)

2017 One-room flat, Galleria Huuto / Jätkäsaari, Helsinki (FI)
2017 One-room flat, Supermarket Art Fair,  Stockholm (SE)
2017 One-room flat, Art Fair Suomi, Helsinki (FI)

2016 Art bae, Tampere Kunsthalle, Tampere (FI)
2014 Second life of Manuel, Ravintola Kahvilla, Tampere (FI)
2014 Punaista ja makeaa, Voipaala Art Center, Valkeakoski (FI)
2014 Top button undone, Art Center Mältinranta, Tampere (FI)
2014 Life of Manuel, Ikuinen Galleria, Tampere (FI)
2012 Elevate, Academie Minerva, Groningen (NL)
2012 Y-festival, Näsilinna, Tampere (FI)
2011 Positive virus, environmental art exhibition, Tampere (FI)
2011 jaa/ei/poissa, Pizzachurch – Affair center Siperia, Tampere (FI)

2023 Arts Promotion Centre Finland / Taike, working grant (Näyttöapuraha)
2023 Arts Promotion Centre Finland / Taike (kohdeapuraha)
2022 Arts Promotion Centre Finland / Taike, COVID-19 grant
2021 Arts Promotion Centre Finland / Taike, COVID-19 grant
2020 Arts Promotion Centre Finland / Taike, COVID-19 grant
2020 Young Artists’ Grant, Finnish Art Society
2018 VISEK

2016 Finnish Cultural Foundation, working grant
2015 Art Grant, City of Helsinki

2018 VAFT’n’TAFF, Video Art Festival Turku, Turku (FI)

Galleria Huuto

Finnish Painters’ Union
The Helsinki Artists’ Association
UUTE ry – Finnish Association of New Textile Art
Kuvasto ry

Artworks in collections
Gösta Serlachius Art Collection
The Wihuri Foundation Art Collection / Jenny ja Antti Wihurin säätiön kokoelma
State Art Deposit Collection, Finland
Seppo Fränti collection
Private collections